1 module mysqln;
3 import mysql;
4 import std.stdio;
6 void main(string [] args)
7 {
8 	immutable uint myFlags = SvrCapFlags.SECURE_PWD | SvrCapFlags.ALL_COLUMN_FLAGS | SvrCapFlags.PROTOCOL41 | SvrCapFlags.SECURE_CONNECTION | SvrCapFlags.WITH_DB; // | SvrCapFlags.MULTI_STATEMENTS | SvrCapFlags.MULTI_RESULTS;
10 	auto c = new Connection("host", "user", "password", "database");
11 	scope(exit) c.close();
12 //   writefln("You have connected to server version %s", c.serverVersion);
13 //   writefln("With currents stats : %s", c.serverStats());
14 	auto caps = c.serverCapabilities;
15 	writefln("MySQL Server %s with capabilities (%b):", c.serverVersion, caps);
16 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.SECURE_PWD)
17 		writeln("\tLong passwords");
18 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.FOUND_NOT_AFFECTED)
19 		writeln("\tReport rows found rather than rows affected");
20 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.ALL_COLUMN_FLAGS)
21 		writeln("\tSend all column flags");
22 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.WITH_DB)
23 		writeln("\tCan take database as part of login");
24 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.NO_SCHEMA)
25 		writeln("\tCan disallow database name as part of column name database.table.column");
26 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.CAN_COMPRESS)
27 		writeln("\tCan compress packets");
28 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.ODBC)
29 		writeln("\tCan handle ODBC");
30 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.LOCAL_FILES)
31 		writeln("\tCan use LOAD DATA LOCAL");
32 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.IGNORE_SPACE)
33 		writeln("\tCan ignore spaces before '('");
34 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.PROTOCOL41)
35 		writeln("\tCan use 4.1+ protocol");
36 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.INTERACTIVE)
37 		writeln("\tInteractive client?");
38 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.SSL)
39 		writeln("\tCan switch to SSL after handshake");
40 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.IGNORE_SIGPIPE)
41 		writeln("\tIgnore sigpipes?");
42 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.TRANSACTIONS)
43 		writeln("\tTransaction Support");
44 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.SECURE_CONNECTION)
45 		writeln("\t4.1+ authentication");
46 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.MULTI_STATEMENTS)
47 		writeln("\tMultiple statement support");
48 	if(caps && SvrCapFlags.MULTI_RESULTS)
49 		writeln("\tMultiple result set support");
50 	writeln();
52 	MetaData md = MetaData(c);
53 	auto dbList = md.databases();
54 	writefln("Found %s databases", dbList.length);
55 	foreach (db ; dbList)
56 	{
57 		c.selectDB(db);
58 		auto curTables = md.tables();
59 		writefln("Database '%s' has %s table%s.", db, curTables.length, curTables.length == 1?"":"s");
60 		foreach(tbls ; curTables)
61 		{
62 			writefln("\t%s", tbls);
63 		}
64 	}
65 }