
A struct to represent specializations of prepared statement parameters.

If you are executing a query that will include result columns that are large objects it may be expedient to deal with the data as it is received rather than first buffering it to some sort of byte array. These two variables allow for this. If both are provided then the corresponding column will be fed to the stipulated delegate in chunks of chunkSize, with the possible exception of the last chunk, which may be smaller. The 'finished' argument will be set to true when the last chunk is set.

Be aware when specifying types for column specializations that for some reason the field descriptions returned for a resultset have all of the types TINYTEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, TEXT, LONGTEXT, TINYBLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, BLOB, and LONGBLOB lumped as type 0xfc contrary to what it says in the protocol documentation.



size_t cIndex;
Undocumented in source.
void delegate(const(ubyte)[] chunk, bool finished) chunkDelegate;
Undocumented in source.
uint chunkSize;
Undocumented in source.
ushort type;
Undocumented in source.
