1 /++
2 Use a DB via plain SQL statements.
4 Commands that are expected to return a result set - queries - have distinctive
5 methods that are enforced. That is it will be an error to call such a method
6 with an SQL command that does not produce a result set. So for commands like
7 SELECT, use the `query` functions. For other commands, like
8 INSERT/UPDATE/CREATE/etc, use `exec`.
9 +/
11 module mysql.commands;
13 import std.conv;
14 import std.exception;
15 import std.range;
16 import std.typecons;
17 import std.variant;
19 import mysql.connection;
20 import mysql.exceptions;
21 import mysql.prepared;
22 import mysql.protocol.constants;
23 import mysql.protocol.extra_types;
24 import mysql.protocol.packets;
25 import mysql.result;
27 /++
28 A struct to represent specializations of prepared statement parameters.
30 If you are executing a query that will include result columns that are large objects,
31 it may be expedient to deal with the data as it is received rather than first buffering
32 it to some sort of byte array. These two variables allow for this. If both are provided
33 then the corresponding column will be fed to the stipulated delegate in chunks of
34 `chunkSize`, with the possible exception of the last chunk, which may be smaller.
35 The bool argument `finished` will be set to true when the last chunk is set.
37 Be aware when specifying types for column specializations that for some reason the
38 field descriptions returned for a resultset have all of the types TINYTEXT, MEDIUMTEXT,
40 contrary to what it says in the protocol documentation.
41 +/
42 struct ColumnSpecialization
43 {
44 	size_t  cIndex;    // parameter number 0 - number of params-1
45 	ushort  type;
46 	uint    chunkSize;
47 	void delegate(const(ubyte)[] chunk, bool finished) chunkDelegate;
48 }
49 ///ditto
50 alias CSN = ColumnSpecialization;
52 package struct ExecQueryImplInfo
53 {
54 	bool isPrepared;
56 	// For non-prepared statements:
57 	string sql;
59 	// For prepared statements:
60 	uint hStmt;
61 	PreparedStmtHeaders psh;
62 	Variant[] inParams;
63 	ParameterSpecialization[] psa;
64 }
66 /++
67 Internal implementation for the exec and query functions.
69 Execute a one-off SQL command.
71 Any result set can be accessed via Connection.getNextRow(), but you should really be
72 using the query function for such queries.
74 Params: ra = An out parameter to receive the number of rows affected.
75 Returns: true if there was a (possibly empty) result set.
76 +/
77 //TODO: All low-level commms should be moved into the mysql.protocol package.
78 package bool execQueryImpl(Connection conn, ExecQueryImplInfo info, out ulong ra)
79 {
80 	scope(failure) conn.kill();
82 	// Send data
83 	if(info.isPrepared)
84 		ProtocolPrepared.sendCommand(conn, info.hStmt, info.psh, info.inParams, info.psa);
85 	else
86 	{
87 		conn.sendCmd(CommandType.QUERY, info.sql);
88 		conn._fieldCount = 0;
89 	}
91 	// Handle response
92 	ubyte[] packet = conn.getPacket();
93 	bool rv;
94 	if (packet.front == ResultPacketMarker.ok || packet.front == ResultPacketMarker.error)
95 	{
96 		conn.resetPacket();
97 		auto okp = OKErrorPacket(packet);
98 		enforcePacketOK(okp);
99 		ra = okp.affected;
100 		conn._serverStatus = okp.serverStatus;
101 		conn._insertID = okp.insertID;
102 		rv = false;
103 	}
104 	else
105 	{
106 		// There was presumably a result set
107 		assert(packet.front >= 1 && packet.front <= 250); // Result set packet header should have this value
108 		conn._headersPending = conn._rowsPending = true;
109 		conn._binaryPending = info.isPrepared;
110 		auto lcb = packet.consumeIfComplete!LCB();
111 		assert(!lcb.isNull);
112 		assert(!lcb.isIncomplete);
113 		conn._fieldCount = cast(ushort)lcb.value;
114 		assert(conn._fieldCount == lcb.value);
115 		rv = true;
116 		ra = 0;
117 	}
118 	return rv;
119 }
121 ///ditto
122 package bool execQueryImpl(Connection conn, ExecQueryImplInfo info)
123 {
124 	ulong rowsAffected;
125 	return execQueryImpl(conn, info, rowsAffected);
126 }
128 /++
129 Execute an SQL command or prepared statement, such as INSERT/UPDATE/CREATE/etc.
131 This method is intended for commands such as which do not produce a result set
132 (otherwise, use one of the `query` functions instead.) If the SQL command does
133 produces a result set (such as SELECT), `mysql.exceptions.MYXResultRecieved`
134 will be thrown.
136 Only use the `string sql` overload when you are not going to be using the same
137 command repeatedly and you are CERTAIN all the data you're sending is properly
138 escaped. Otherwise, consider using overload that takes a `Prepared`.
140 Type_Mappings: $(TYPE_MAPPINGS)
142 Params:
143 conn = An open `mysql.connection.Connection` to the database.
144 sql = The SQL command to be run.
145 prepared = The prepared statement to be run.
147 Returns: The number of rows affected.
148 +/
149 ulong exec(Connection conn, string sql)
150 {
151 	return execImpl(conn, ExecQueryImplInfo(false, sql));
152 }
154 ///ditto
155 ulong exec(Connection conn, ref Prepared prepared)
156 {
157 	auto preparedInfo = conn.registerIfNeeded(prepared.sql);
158 	auto ra = execImpl(conn, prepared.getExecQueryImplInfo(preparedInfo.statementId));
159 	prepared._lastInsertID = conn.lastInsertID;
160 	return ra;
161 }
163 ///ditto
164 ulong exec(Connection conn, ref BackwardCompatPrepared prepared)
165 {
166 	auto p = prepared.prepared;
167 	auto result = exec(conn, p);
168 	prepared._prepared = p;
169 	return result;
170 }
172 /// Common implementation for `exec` overloads
173 package ulong execImpl(Connection conn, ExecQueryImplInfo info)
174 {
175 	ulong rowsAffected;
176 	bool receivedResultSet = execQueryImpl(conn, info, rowsAffected);
177 	if(receivedResultSet)
178 	{
179 		conn.purgeResult();
180 		throw new MYXResultRecieved();
181 	}
183 	return rowsAffected;
184 }
186 /++
187 Execute an SQL SELECT command or prepared statement.
189 This returns an input range of `mysql.result.Row`, so if you need random access
190 to the `mysql.result.Row` elements, simply call
191 $(LINK2 https://dlang.org/phobos/std_array.html#array, `std.array.array()`)
192 on the result.
194 If the SQL command does not produce a result set (such as INSERT/CREATE/etc),
195 then `mysql.exceptions.MYXNoResultRecieved` will be thrown. Use
196 `exec` instead for such commands.
198 Only use the `string sql` overload when you are not going to be using the same
199 command repeatedly and you are CERTAIN all the data you're sending is properly
200 escaped. Otherwise, consider using overload that takes a `Prepared`.
202 If there are long data items among the expected result columns you can use
203 the `csa` param to specify that they are to be subject to chunked transfer via a
204 delegate.
206 Type_Mappings: $(TYPE_MAPPINGS)
208 Params:
209 conn = An open `mysql.connection.Connection` to the database.
210 sql = The SQL command to be run.
211 prepared = The prepared statement to be run.
212 csa = An optional array of `ColumnSpecialization` structs.
214 Returns: A (possibly empty) `mysql.result.ResultRange`.
216 Example:
217 ---
218 ResultRange oneAtATime = myConnection.query("SELECT * from myTable");
219 Row[]       allAtOnce  = myConnection.query("SELECT * from myTable").array;
220 ---
221 +/
222 ResultRange query(Connection conn, string sql, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
223 {
224 	return queryImpl(csa, conn, ExecQueryImplInfo(false, sql));
225 }
227 ///ditto
228 ResultRange query(Connection conn, ref Prepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
229 {
230 	auto preparedInfo = conn.registerIfNeeded(prepared.sql);
231 	auto result = queryImpl(csa, conn, prepared.getExecQueryImplInfo(preparedInfo.statementId));
232 	prepared._lastInsertID = conn.lastInsertID; // Conceivably, this might be needed when multi-statements are enabled.
233 	return result;
234 }
236 ///ditto
237 ResultRange query(Connection conn, ref BackwardCompatPrepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
238 {
239 	auto p = prepared.prepared;
240 	auto result = query(conn, p, csa);
241 	prepared._prepared = p;
242 	return result;
243 }
245 /// Common implementation for `query` overloads
246 package ResultRange queryImpl(ColumnSpecialization[] csa,
247 	Connection conn, ExecQueryImplInfo info)
248 {
249 	ulong ra;
250 	enforceEx!MYXNoResultRecieved(execQueryImpl(conn, info, ra));
252 	conn._rsh = ResultSetHeaders(conn, conn._fieldCount);
253 	if (csa !is null)
254 		conn._rsh.addSpecializations(csa);
256 	conn._headersPending = false;
257 	return ResultRange(conn, conn._rsh, conn._rsh.fieldNames);
258 }
260 /++
261 Execute an SQL SELECT command or prepared statement where you only want the
262 first `mysql.result.Row`, if any.
264 If the SQL command does not produce a result set (such as INSERT/CREATE/etc),
265 then `mysql.exceptions.MYXNoResultRecieved` will be thrown. Use
266 `exec` instead for such commands.
268 Only use the `string sql` overload when you are not going to be using the same
269 command repeatedly and you are CERTAIN all the data you're sending is properly
270 escaped. Otherwise, consider using overload that takes a `Prepared`.
272 If there are long data items among the expected result columns you can use
273 the `csa` param to specify that they are to be subject to chunked transfer via a
274 delegate.
276 Type_Mappings: $(TYPE_MAPPINGS)
278 Params:
279 conn = An open `mysql.connection.Connection` to the database.
280 sql = The SQL command to be run.
281 prepared = The prepared statement to be run.
282 csa = An optional array of `ColumnSpecialization` structs.
284 Returns: `Nullable!(mysql.result.Row)`: This will be null (check via `Nullable.isNull`) if the
285 query resulted in an empty result set.
286 +/
287 Nullable!Row queryRow(Connection conn, string sql, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
288 {
289 	return queryRowImpl(csa, conn, ExecQueryImplInfo(false, sql));
290 }
292 ///ditto
293 Nullable!Row queryRow(Connection conn, ref Prepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
294 {
295 	auto preparedInfo = conn.registerIfNeeded(prepared.sql);
296 	auto result = queryRowImpl(csa, conn, prepared.getExecQueryImplInfo(preparedInfo.statementId));
297 	prepared._lastInsertID = conn.lastInsertID; // Conceivably, this might be needed when multi-statements are enabled.
298 	return result;
299 }
301 ///ditto
302 Nullable!Row queryRow(Connection conn, ref BackwardCompatPrepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
303 {
304 	auto p = prepared.prepared;
305 	auto result = queryRow(conn, p, csa);
306 	prepared._prepared = p;
307 	return result;
308 }
310 /// Common implementation for `querySet` overloads.
311 package Nullable!Row queryRowImpl(ColumnSpecialization[] csa, Connection conn,
312 	ExecQueryImplInfo info)
313 {
314 	auto results = queryImpl(csa, conn, info);
315 	if(results.empty)
316 		return Nullable!Row();
317 	else
318 	{
319 		auto row = results.front;
320 		results.close();
321 		return Nullable!Row(row);
322 	}
323 }
325 /++
326 Execute an SQL SELECT command or prepared statement where you only want the
327 first `mysql.result.Row`, and place result values into a set of D variables.
329 This method will throw if any column type is incompatible with the corresponding D variable.
331 Unlike the other query functions, queryRowTuple will throw
332 `mysql.exceptions.MYX` if the result set is empty
333 (and thus the reference variables passed in cannot be filled).
335 If the SQL command does not produce a result set (such as INSERT/CREATE/etc),
336 then `mysql.exceptions.MYXNoResultRecieved` will be thrown. Use
337 `exec` instead for such commands.
339 Only use the `string sql` overload when you are not going to be using the same
340 command repeatedly and you are CERTAIN all the data you're sending is properly
341 escaped. Otherwise, consider using overload that takes a `Prepared`.
343 Type_Mappings: $(TYPE_MAPPINGS)
345 Params:
346 conn = An open `mysql.connection.Connection` to the database.
347 sql = The SQL command to be run.
348 prepared = The prepared statement to be run.
349 args = The variables, taken by reference, to receive the values.
350 +/
351 void queryRowTuple(T...)(Connection conn, string sql, ref T args)
352 {
353 	return queryRowTupleImpl(conn, ExecQueryImplInfo(false, sql), args);
354 }
356 ///ditto
357 void queryRowTuple(T...)(Connection conn, ref Prepared prepared, ref T args)
358 {
359 	auto preparedInfo = conn.registerIfNeeded(prepared.sql);
360 	queryRowTupleImpl(conn, prepared.getExecQueryImplInfo(preparedInfo.statementId), args);
361 	prepared._lastInsertID = conn.lastInsertID; // Conceivably, this might be needed when multi-statements are enabled.
362 }
364 ///ditto
365 void queryRowTuple(T...)(Connection conn, ref BackwardCompatPrepared prepared, ref T args)
366 {
367 	auto p = prepared.prepared;
368 	queryRowTuple(conn, p, args);
369 	prepared._prepared = p;
370 }
372 /// Common implementation for `queryRowTuple` overloads.
373 package void queryRowTupleImpl(T...)(Connection conn, ExecQueryImplInfo info, ref T args)
374 {
375 	ulong ra;
376 	enforceEx!MYXNoResultRecieved(execQueryImpl(conn, info, ra));
378 	Row rr = conn.getNextRow();
379 	/+if (!rr._valid)   // The result set was empty - not a crime.
380 		return;+/
381 	enforceEx!MYX(rr._values.length == args.length, "Result column count does not match the target tuple.");
382 	foreach (size_t i, dummy; args)
383 	{
384 		enforceEx!MYX(typeid(args[i]).toString() == rr._values[i].type.toString(),
385 			"Tuple "~to!string(i)~" type and column type are not compatible.");
386 		args[i] = rr._values[i].get!(typeof(args[i]));
387 	}
388 	// If there were more rows, flush them away
389 	// Question: Should I check in purgeResult and throw if there were - it's very inefficient to
390 	// allow sloppy SQL that does not ensure just one row!
391 	conn.purgeResult();
392 }
394 // Test what happends when queryRowTuple receives no rows
395 debug(MYSQLN_TESTS)
396 unittest
397 {
398 	import mysql.prepared;
399 	import mysql.test.common : scopedCn, createCn;
400 	mixin(scopedCn);
402 	cn.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `queryRowTuple`");
403 	cn.exec("CREATE TABLE `queryRowTuple` (
404 		`val` INTEGER
407 	immutable selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM `queryRowTuple`";
408 	int queryTupleResult;
409 	assertThrown!MYX(cn.queryRowTuple(selectSQL, queryTupleResult));
410 }
412 /++
413 Execute an SQL SELECT command or prepared statement and return a single value:
414 the first column of the first row received.
416 If the query did not produce any rows, or the rows it produced have zero columns,
417 this will return `Nullable!Variant()`, ie, null. Test for this with `result.isNull`.
419 If the query DID produce a result, but the value actually received is NULL,
420 then `result.isNull` will be FALSE, and `result.get` will produce a Variant
421 which CONTAINS null. Check for this with `result.get.type == typeid(typeof(null))`.
423 If the SQL command does not produce a result set (such as INSERT/CREATE/etc),
424 then `mysql.exceptions.MYXNoResultRecieved` will be thrown. Use
425 `exec` instead for such commands.
427 Only use the `string sql` overload when you are not going to be using the same
428 command repeatedly and you are CERTAIN all the data you're sending is properly
429 escaped. Otherwise, consider using overload that takes a `Prepared`.
431 If there are long data items among the expected result columns you can use
432 the `csa` param to specify that they are to be subject to chunked transfer via a
433 delegate.
435 Type_Mappings: $(TYPE_MAPPINGS)
437 Params:
438 conn = An open `mysql.connection.Connection` to the database.
439 sql = The SQL command to be run.
440 prepared = The prepared statement to be run.
441 csa = An optional array of `ColumnSpecialization` structs.
443 Returns: `Nullable!Variant`: This will be null (check via `Nullable.isNull`) if the
444 query resulted in an empty result set.
445 +/
446 Nullable!Variant queryValue(Connection conn, string sql, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
447 {
448 	return queryValueImpl(csa, conn, ExecQueryImplInfo(false, sql));
449 }
451 ///ditto
452 Nullable!Variant queryValue(Connection conn, ref Prepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
453 {
454 	auto preparedInfo = conn.registerIfNeeded(prepared.sql);
455 	auto result = queryValueImpl(csa, conn, prepared.getExecQueryImplInfo(preparedInfo.statementId));
456 	prepared._lastInsertID = conn.lastInsertID; // Conceivably, this might be needed when multi-statements are enabled.
457 	return result;
458 }
460 ///ditto
461 Nullable!Variant queryValue(Connection conn, ref BackwardCompatPrepared prepared, ColumnSpecialization[] csa = null)
462 {
463 	auto p = prepared.prepared;
464 	auto result = queryValue(conn, p, csa);
465 	prepared._prepared = p;
466 	return result;
467 }
469 /// Common implementation for `queryValue` overloads.
470 package Nullable!Variant queryValueImpl(ColumnSpecialization[] csa, Connection conn,
471 	ExecQueryImplInfo info)
472 {
473 	auto results = queryImpl(csa, conn, info);
474 	if(results.empty)
475 		return Nullable!Variant();
476 	else
477 	{
478 		auto row = results.front;
479 		results.close();
481 		if(row.length == 0)
482 			return Nullable!Variant();
483 		else
484 			return Nullable!Variant(row[0]);
485 	}
486 }