Construct a naked Command object
Construct a Command object complete with SQL
Bind a D variable to a prepared statement parameter.
Bind a tuple of D variables to the parameters of a prepared statement.
Bind a Variant[] as the parameters of a prepared statement.
Execute a stored function, with any required input variables, and store the return value into a D variable.
Execute a prepared command.
Execute a prepared SQL command for the case where you expect a result set, and want it all at once.
Execute a prepared SQL command for the case where you expect a result set, and want to deal with it one row at a time.
Execute a prepared SQL command to place result values into a set of D variables.
Execute a stored procedure, with any required input variables.
Execute a one-off SQL command.
Execute a one-off SQL command for the case where you expect a result set, and want it all at once.
Execute a one-off SQL command for the case where you expect a result set, and want to deal with it a row at a time.
Execute a one-off SQL command to place result values into a set of D variables.
Get the next Row of a pending result set.
Access a prepared statement parameter for update.
Submit an SQL command to the server to be compiled into a prepared statement.
Flush any outstanding result set elements.
Release a prepared statement.
Sets a prepared statement parameter to NULL.
After a command that inserted a row into a table with an auto-increment ID column, this method allows you to retrieve the last insert ID.
Gets the number of parameters in this Command
Gets the prepared header's field descriptions.
Gets the prepared header's param descriptions.
Gets the result header's field descriptions.
Get the current SQL for the Command
Set a new SQL command.
Encapsulation of an SQL command or query.
A Command be be either a one-off SQL query, or may use a prepared statement. Commands that are expected to return a result set - queries - have distinctive methods that are enforced. That is it will be an error to call such a method with an SQL command that does not produce a result set.